Alas, one need not be a prophet or read tealeaves to see some disasters
coming, such as the wisdom of bringing a doctor with an
incurable, highly infectious disease into the U.S. for treatment rather
than maintaining quarantine on site and taking treatment to him. What
could go wrong? Did anyone other than my wife and I immediately notice
the exposed skin in the gap between the glove and the sleeve of the
hazard suit worn by one of the health care workers in yesterday's news
reports? Are terrorists signatories to international agreements not to
use chemical and biological weapons? (And do these help when countries like
Iran, North Korea, Iraq and Syria are involved--to say nothing of the
U.S. infecting native Americans with smallpox-laden blankets prior to
such agreements in a particularly low-point in our history?)
need not be prescient to posit a novel (yet I believe quite plausible) theory of
cosmology or a low-tech means of allowing terrorists to bring about the
end of the world by creating black holes with readily available
technology (for a price) as I do in "
End of Days." There are far more
pedantic means of achieving that end right now without any specialized technology or
knowledge of physics or quantum mechanics. I wonder, for example, if
any of the geniuses in Washington DC at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue
have thought what would happen if terrorists purposely infected the tens of thousands of
children making their way to the US from Central America with bubonic plague, Ebola,
antibiotic resistant tuberculosis, anthrax or any number of other
readily available naturally occurring pathogens? It does not take a science fiction writer or much imagination to posit a scenario where infected suicide terrorists posing as cut-rate coyotes shepherd these unsuspecting children to the U.S. border where there is no screening of any kind for infectious diseases. These children are then relocated (for "humanitarian reasons") to the four corners of the U.S.
courtesy of an overwhelmed (and politically driven) federal government, thereby ensuring as wide a reach as possible for the infection as these
hapless souls are welcomed into the unsuspecting arms of caring
sponsors. Armageddon soup, anyone?
And if terrorists have scruples about
using children in this terrible way (you decide how likely that is) not
to worry: there is no health screening for visitors from many countries
with whom we have friendly relations and which are overrun by terrorists and their sympathizers.
No need to move back very
far from this pointillistic painting to see the clear picture. But fear
not. Courageous men and women in improperly fitted hazard suits will
rescue us if that impossible scenario from the overactive mind of a
know-nothing prof ever comes to pass. So don't worry. Be happy.