Remember our fallen heroes not just on Memorial Day, but every time you see Old Glory flying high, proud and free. She is there only because of them. They can have no greater marker for their passing than the Stars and Stripes fluttering in the wind of a free, strong nation that only exists because of their selfless sacrifice. God Bless them all. And may God Bless all of our veterans and our men and women on active duty who serve with honor.
Death of a Quiet Soldier
Behind enemy lines you gave your life,The risks you knew and embraced willingly,
Red, black and green berets fought by your side,
And brought your body back to family.
Later in a ritual of their own,
They would name a field airport in your name,
And honor you, your brothers, far from home,
Their memory now your eternal flame.
I do not know your rank, your name, your face,
I only know that I am in your debt,
Who for your family can take your place?
Our debt to them we must never forget.
The freedom I enjoy comes thanks to you,
And all who serve with honor, proud and true.
[Reprinted from Of Pain and Ecstasy: Collected Poems (C) 2011]